viernes, 29 de abril de 2016


Environmental education is considered as the process that allows the individual to understand interdependencies in their environment all this from the critical and reflective knowledge of their political, social, cultural, biophysical and economic reality. One of its main functions is to educate and help social groups and individuals acquire greater knowledge and sensitivity about the treatment and care of the environment, creating more viable for optimal maintenance of the solutions.
Search for helping and to understand the many social partners to acquire a basic concept of the environment as a whole, of the many related problems and the presence and stability of humanity in it groups people, implying a very critical responsibility. It helps to acquire customs and habits in accordance with careful appropriation of the means of transport and resources for everyday use.

Knowledge in environmental education together with environmental problems, can with the principles focused, help you understand a little more the complexity of the situation we live. This does not mean that educational content alone should lead people to a change of attitudes. In addition to the acquisition of knowledge, you must also highlight a little preventive aspect, in this sense, we try to promote a society of resistance , ie that environmental education should always question the current and modern development models, as these are the most responsible for social and ecological deterioration that underdeveloped countries, which thus is different than occurs in many other countries live.
Care for the environment always require the involvement of organized and aware of important issues such as global warming, the provision and distribution of water, deforestation and logging, patterns of production and consumption, as well as the values ​​and principles people They support and maintain this society. 

Run accurately and precisely each of the information provided in the streets, communities, countries and cities that need it most as well as those who just are beginning to apply to have obtained an environmental education and best practice theory in society.

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